Signature Flight Support (Signature) continues to enhance benefits for its Signature Status loyalty members. Now members will earn bonus Signature TailWins points when visiting Signature’s FBOs in the EMEA region.
Signature Status Platinum members now receive 10x points multipliers while Gold members receive 5x points multipliers on purchases at any Signature Flight Support location in Europe and Africa. Signature TailWins points can be redeemed for cash equivalent gift cards or a virtual Visa card. Points can be earned and redeemed in real time. Platinum members enjoy dedicated Platinum Status Lounges when visiting Signature’s London Luton and London Biggin Hill locations. Dedicated fuel trucks are available for Platinum members at Milan Linate Airport (LIN/LIML) and Venice Marco Polo (VCE/LIPZ) providing expediting fueling services. Signature Status members traveling in Europe and Africa are also eligible for discounted fuel rates that are commensurate with their Status level.
When customers choose a Signature FBO, a member’s Signature Status rewards level earns real benefits on the ramp in the United States including, but not limited to, the Signature QuickTurn, hangar privileges, waived GPU Start-up service fees and guaranteed crew cars.
Pilots, flight crew, schedulers and dispatchers can enroll in Signature TailWins on Signature’s website or by downloading the Signature iFBO app which is available at both the Apple App Store and Google Play. Flight departments and chief pilots can enroll their aircraft in Signature Status on the Signature website.
More information on Signature Status and Signature TailWins can be found on Signature’s website: Signature Flight Support is exhibiting at the 2017 European Business Aviation Convention and Exhibition. Booth #D88 and representatives are available to assist customers in enrolling in Signature’s loyalty and rewards program at the show.